HOT TOYS MMS 558 Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 1:6 Action Figure
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ult_HOT TOYS MMS 558 Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 1:6 Action Fig
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490,00 €
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590,00 €
HOT TOYS MMS 558 Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 1:6 Action Figure
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HOT TOYS MMS 558 Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 1:6 Action Figure
Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 1:6 Action Figure
Ho messo insieme cervello e muscoli... e ora guardami. Il meglio di entrambi i mondi."
Quando l'universo è in pericolo, Bruce Banner diventa l'eroe gamma-powered Hulk e si fa strada tra i nemici dei Vendicatori. Continua a usare la sua intelligenza di alto livello e altri strumenti high-tech per proteggere l'universo dalla sua ultima minaccia intergalattica. Fortemente ispirato all'epica battaglia, Hot Toys è entusiasta di presentare oggi il nuovissimo Hulk da collezione in scala 1/6 di Avengers: Endgame!
I put the brains and the brawn together… and now, look at me. Best of both worlds.”
When the universe is in danger, Bruce Banner becomes the gamma-powered hero Hulk and smashes his way through the enemies of the Avengers. He continues to use his high-level intelligence and other high-tech tools to protect the universe from its latest intergalactic threat. Heavily inspired by the epic battle, Hot Toys is excited today to introduce the all-new 1/6th scale Hulk collectible figure from Avengers: Endgame!
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