Steve McQueen The Great Escape My Favourite Legend 1/6
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Steve McQueen The Great Escape My Favourite Legend 1/6 Action Figure con licenza ufficiale in scala 1/6, altezza circa 30 cm, con corpo articolato e autentica somiglianza di Steve McQueen come il Capitano Virgil Hilts in "The Great Escape" (1963).
Espressione facciale accurata e dettagliata, ogni pezzo di testa e scultura è dipinto a mano.
Contenuto: diorama e stand, mani intercambiabili (aperte, per pescare e trasportare), Flight Jacket stile A2, camicia blu, pantaloni, calzettoni.
Accessori: guanto e palla da baseball, borsa di trasporto, orologio, ciondolo, paio di stivali marroni (stile M43).
La versione Deluxe include uniforme tedesca.
Officially licensed 1/6 scale Action Figure, approximately 30 cm tall, featuring an articulated body and an authentic likeness of Steve McQueen as Captain Virgil Hilts in "The Great Escape" (1963).
Accurate facial expression and detailed skin texture, each head piece and sculpture is hand-painted.
Content: diorama figure stand, interchangeable hands (open, for fishing, and carrying), A2-style Flight Jacket, blue shirt, pants, socks.
Accessories: baseball glove and ball, transport bag, watch, pendant, pair of brown boots (M43 style).
The Deluxe version comes with German uniform.